Mobile Syrup

Check out this OLED touchscreen with pop-up, tactile buttons

Researchers from Carnegie Mellon University are pushing the limitations of OLED panels by creating a touchscreen device that you can actually feel.

The technology, called Flat Panel Haptics, has been detailed in a new paper submitted by Carnegie Mellon University. It’s being looked into at the ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems in Hamburg, Germany.

Although similar iterations have been attempted by larger companies, such as Apple’s Taptic engine, this prototype allows users to find virtual buttons solely through touch. A major reason that most laptops still feature fully tactical keyboards despite having the technology widely available for touchscreens comes down to the ability for users to get more done when relying on touch alone.

The video below gives an in-depth look into the electroosmotic pumps being used in the prototype.

This concept has been attempted by other companies before, most notably by Bosch and its automotive touch screen. Often, it works by having bumps coinciding with on-screen buttons temporarily form on touchscreen panels providing tactile feedback to users. The primitive design is noted as being clunky, making pocket accessibility for something like a phone a challenge.

The researchers have managed to get the pop-up buttons to measure almost five millimetres in height, with enough pressure and rigidity to make them feel solid when pressed.

Current OLED panels are not quite flexible enough to allow for structures that large to pop up. However, when layered with new embedded electroosmotic pumps, a bump can still be formed for a user’s finger to differentiate between the on-screen display’s keys.

Although there are still some limitations on how a fully tactile touchscreen would be implemented into tech products if the pop-up buttons are eventually scaled down to fit as pixels on an OLED display, it could be a major breakthrough in everything from phone keyboards to automotive infotainment systems.

Image credit: Future Interfaces Group (Screenshot)

Source: Carnegie Mellon University’s Future Interfaces Group Via: Gizmodo

Mobile Syrup

Apple likely ignored keyboard haptics for years due to battery concerns

For years now, iPhone users have had to replace the satisfaction of using a haptic keyboard with the joyless click-clack keyboard sound. Finally, with iOS 16, Apple did introduce haptic feedback for keyboards to add a tactile feel to typing, but what took the company so long?

A new Apple support document spotted by 9to5Mac might offer some clues.

The support document, titled “Change how your iPhone keyboard sounds or vibrates when you’re typing,” warns that enabling the feature “might affect the battery life of your iPhone.” Apple did not clarify how severely the feature affects battery life, though if you’re constantly typing on your phone, the slight vibrations over a large duration of time could result in significant battery drain.

It’s surprising to note that keyboard haptics remain enabled when you turn on the ‘low power mode’ on your iPhone, which sounds counterintuitive to Apple saying that the feature drains the battery. On the other hand, Android users have long enjoyed the feature, with measures in place to disable haptic feedback when the device goes into power-saving mode.

While Apple did not say explicitly that battery concerns were the reason it held off on the feature for so long, it’s the most likely reason.

If you’ve updated to iOS 16 and want to enable haptic feedback for the keyboard, go to settings> Sounds & Haptics > Keyboard Feedback, and toggle on ‘Haptic.’

Via: 9to5Mac