Entertainment Gossip

Britney Spears dances with kitchen knives half-naked in bizarre video

Britney Spears fans, though accustomed to the star’s Instagram videos, this time seemed rather worried by the singer’s latest publication, in which she was seen dancing half-naked… with two huge kitchen knives.

“I started playing in the kitchen with knives today šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø!!!” she wrote in her message, with the comments later blocked.

In the video, Spears is seen doing her usual dances… but with gigantic butcher knives in her hands! She spins at full speed, making very dangerous movements with the knives, which of course worried many!

However, the star tried to reassure everyone by editing her publication:

“Don’t worry, these are NOT real knives!!!! Halloween is soon šŸ™ˆšŸ™ˆšŸ™ˆ!!!”

Getty Images

But it’s easy to see from the video that the knives look too realistic to be fakes, and according to TMZ, the star has long been fascinated by knives!

October will be a big month for Spears, with the release of her biography The Woman In Me on October 23!

Cottage Life

The ultimate cottage tool: the Swiss Army knife

I follow a ritual whenever I go out: I pat my pockets. One pat for my wallet, one for my keys, and my right pants pocket for my Swiss Army knife. I couldnā€™t leave the cottage without it because thereā€™s often a rope to cut or a screw to tighten when you are far from the shed. Itā€™s portable, uncomplicated, and multi-purpose, an ideal cottage tool. Indeed, there are probably more Swiss Army knives at cottages than there are in the Swiss Army.

We have been through so much together, my knife and I. Hand and handle. With it, I have carved ducks (wooden) and steaks (beef). Cleaned fingernails, spread butter, pried off bottle caps, and whittled walking sticks. I have screwed with the screwdrivers, cut with the scissors, and tweezed with the tweezers. And with the magnifying glass I have triedā€”without successā€”to light a fire in wood chips.

I have even used the reamerā€”although only to punch that extra hole in my belt. (I should never have eaten that fourth cheeseburger.) And yes, the corkscrew has proved itself at our cottage when guests bring real wine. (We run more to screw-top bottles and beer. Corkscrews donā€™t abound.) Swiss Army knives can have as many as 31 features, but mine is in the middle, with 11. Itā€™s a close relative to the original knife, first produced in 1891. Eleven are enough for meā€”although a saw would be niceā€”but I donā€™t really need the hook disgorger, the wire cutter, or the ballpoint pen, which are some of the attachments on the SwissChamp, the biggest model. Nor do I need the model with the built-in watchā€”not at the cottage. My knife is not utterly perfect; in our quarter-century relationship, I have lost toothpick and tweezers (replacements cost $1 and $2) any number of times. I have broken the scissors. I have sharpened the blade so often it looks like an eagleā€™s beak.

But the blade will endure for years, and thatā€™s just as well, for we have ducks to carve and sticks to whittle, my knife and I, in the cottage days to come.

This essay by Paul Rush was originally published in the April/May 1998 issue of Cottage Life.

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