Mobile Syrup

Legal app LawVo aims to combine the gig economy and law

Lena and Fernand Vartanian view technology as the “great equalizer.”

This concept has led the couple, both practicing lawyers, to bring the gig economy to the legal profession with LawVo.

The platform allows people to connect with lawyers, who work independently, in a matter of minutes.

Lawyers can register on the platform for free. LawVo vets them and allows them to practice on their own terms. Lawyers only pay the company if they get a referral, and LawVo takes care of marketing and provides them with a virtual office. Lawyers are then graded by customers using an algorithm LawVo created.

Lena told MobileSyrup at Collision that LawVo allows people to be their own boss and work as a lawyer for as many hours as they please, providing flexibility lacking in the field.

For customers, it provides them with accessibility and affordability Fernand said traditional law firms don’t have. “It’s about time the law community gets into the next generation,” he said.

Lena and Fernand Vartanian.

Fernand said other platforms connecting lawyers with clients do exist, but LawVo stands out for numerous reasons, including taking away the “sticker shock.” Fernand explained the high cost of legal bills leaves many in a difficult position. But LawVo removes that by providing customers with a fixed quote for legal services within seconds after they answer a few questions. They’ll also have up to 50 lawyers to choose from.

To further assist with costs, Lena said the team is looking into a subscription service that allows customers to access legal documents and a helpline 24 hours a day, seven days a week. The subscription will start at $10 a month. “Even if you’re budget is lower, you still have access to [legal services].” The subscription will give customers the initial guidance and the option to hire a lawyer.

The pair said they’re also working on a component that will allow them to work a certain number of cases pro bono after they complete a specific number of files. But this feature is currently in the works, and will likely be completed when the service launches in October through a 1-800 number, iOS and Google Play.

Image credit: LawVo