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Apple supplier, Foxconn, allowed to continue production in closed loop setting

China is allowing Foxconn to continue operations under strict conditions.

Reuters reports the Apple supplier can continue operations in a “closed loop” or bubbled environment, which means employees live and work within one area.

“Some operations have been able to restart, and some production is being carried out,” the company said in a statement. “This process, which can only be done on campuses that include both employee housing and production facilities, adheres to strict industry guidelines and close-loop management policies issued by the Shenzhen government.”

The company previously announced it was suspending its operations in Shenzhen due to an uptake of COVID cases.

China has a strict zero-tolerance COVID policy, and other cities have implemented similar shutdowns as the country experienced the largest outbreak in two years.

Shenzhen serves as the country’s technological hub and concerns were raised its shutdown could mean impacts to global markets.

China previously utilized the closed-loop environment during the Beijing Winter Olympics, where athletes and personnel were separated from the public through designated transportation methods, ensuring they had to contact.

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Source: Reuters