Mobile Syrup

Feds claim ‘progress’ on reducing wireless prices, carriers didn’t meet any targets

The federal government released its latest quarterly wireless price reduction report claiming there’s “progress on reducing prices.”

Not that it matters.

Here’s the thing — the report shows pricing data for July, August and September 2021, but carriers actually started implementing plans that meet the targets in October (and thus, those plans aren’t in this report).

I’d argue the other value of these quarterly reports would be a historical record of wireless plan prices. Unfortunately, the report fails there too since almost every section is marked with a tilde (~) — as the legend notes, that indicates a carrier didn’t advertise that data plan on their website at the time of sampling. The report also fails to document plans that fall outside of the specific data buckets the government chose to target.

As a reminder, the government’s goal was to see a 25 percent reduction in price based on benchmarks set in 2020. Those benchmarks would see a $50/mo plan with 2GB of data drop to $37.50/mo, a $55/4GB plan drop to $41.25/mo and a $60/6GB plan drop to $45/mo.

“Progress” is when no carriers meet your targets

With the exception of Quebec, every province has an almost identical chart (I’ve included the Ontario one below for reference).

A few important things to note about the chart. First, it doesn’t show anything outside of the listed data amounts. That means that arguably decently priced plans, such as the $50/10GB plans offered by Koodo, Virgin Plus and Fido in August, aren’t included. Second, the chart only shows pricing from Koodo, Virgin Plus and Fido, which are flanker brands of Telus, Bell and Rogers respectively. That has allowed the big three carriers to effectively offload the 25 percent price reduction requirement on the flanker brands while continuing to charge high prices (plans start at $80/mo at all three).

Third, the chart claims that the $45/6GB target was met despite none of the sampled carriers offering a $45/6GB plan during the quarter. Fido was the only carrier to previously meet that requirement and it only did so in June 2021. Really, the Rogers flanker brand should be the only carrier marked as meeting the $45/6GB target, and even then I’d argue it shouldn’t get the privilege since it removed the plan. What’s the point if carriers only have to meet the 25 percent price reduction target one time, and can then go back to charging high prices?

Again, none of this really matters that much given that Koodo, Virgin and Fido have since introduced plans that meet (or at least come close to meeting) price reduction targets. The three flanker brands have a $38/2GB plan (Virgin’s is actually the required $37.50 price), a $41/4GB plan (again, Virgin matches the price exactly with a $41.25/mo plan) and a $45/6GB plan. However, this change won’t be reflected by the government’s reports until it releases the next quarterly report.

Although the flanker brands have technically met those targets, all have done so resentfully by restricting these plans so that anyone who wants to get a new phone with one of these carriers cannot also get one of these lower-cost plans.

Quebec has the only different chart, but it’s not really that different

As for Quebec, the most recent quarterly chart shows that Koodo, Virgin and Fido don’t offer any plans in any of the target data buckets. Again, the chart lists all the price reduction targets as being met despite that none of the carriers have offered plans that meet or beat the price goal since June 2021.

Finally, as I pointed out with the last quarterly report, the government’s charts don’t incorporate other costs involved with carriers, some of which can discourage customers from switching. One excellent example is the connection fee (which leapt to $50 earlier this year at most major carriers). There are often ways to waive the fee, but that doesn’t stop it from acting as a deterrent for switching.

Ultimately, this latest quarterly report is another example that the Canadian government has failed to address wireless pricing. Sample carriers do not consistently meet the price reduction targets, and when they do, it’s through promotions or heavily restricted plans designed to deter customers. Prices have gotten better, but it’s hardly enough. Worse, the government has so far refused to implement changes that would help the situation. For example, mandating MVNO access, something favoured by Canadians and independent players and fought vehemently by the Big Three and other larger regional telecom companies.

You can view the previous reports at the links below:

Mobile Syrup

Telus reports 135,000 mobile phone net additions in Q3 2021 earnings

Vancouver-based national telecom Telus announced its Q3 2021 earnings on November 5th, reporting 135,000 mobile phone net additions.

The number marked an increase of 24,000 from the same period last year and was part of the company’s overall 320,000 total net additions, up 43,000 from last year. That also included 46,000 internet net additions, 10,000 TV net additions, 30,000 security net additions and 110,000 connected device net additions. Telus characterizes connected devices as anything other than a mobile phone with a SIM or IMEI — for example, tablets, internet keys, internet of things (IoT) devices, wearables and more.

However, Telus also reported 11,000 net losses of residential voice subscribers in Q3, up from 8,000 in 2020. The company noted that fixed voice services revenue decreased by $14 million in Q3 2021 but says it mitigated losses through product bundles and “successful retention efforts.”

Telus’ mobile phone churn rate came in at 0.90 percent in Q3 2021, down from 0.99 percent in Q3 2020.

Telus reported Average billing per user (ABPU) was $70.99. Further, the company said it was “relatively unchanged” compared to the same time last year. Similarly, Telus reported average revenue per user (ARPU) at $58.13 in Q3 2021, again “relatively unchanged” from the same time last year.

Finally, the carrier reported consolidated operating revenue of $4.3 billion, up 6.8 percent. Earnings before interest, income taxes, depreciation and amortization (EBITDA) increased by 7.6 percent to $1.5 billion.

You can view the full results from Telus here, Q3 2020 results here and Q2 2021 results here.

Source: Telus

Mobile Syrup

Bell reports Q3 2021 earnings with 136,464 mobile phone net activations

Bell Canada Enterprises (BCE) reported its Q3 2021 earnings on November 4th, beating estimates thanks to a boost in wireless and improved customer retention.

The company reported 136,464 mobile phone net subscriber activations, up 14.3 percent from the same time last year. That was primarily driven by the 114,821 net mobile postpaid subscriber activations, up 45.9 percent year-over-year. However, Bell’s net prepaid mobile subscriber activations came in at 21,643 — down from 40,639 in 2020.

Further, Bell reported its “best-ever Q3 result” for postpaid churn, which came in at 0.93 percent.

BCE reported its mobile phone customer base now totals 9,349,459 as of the end of Q3 2021, a 2.7 percent increase over the same time last year. 8,520,518 are postpaid subscribers (up 3.2 percent) while 828,941 are prepaid (down 2.2 percent).

Average blended billing per user (ABPU) was up 1.1 percent to $74.07.

BCE’s total operating revenue was up 0.8 percent to roughly $5.84 billion. The company says this was driven by a 3.6 percent increase in service revenue. Bell’s total wireless operating revenue decreased by 0.9 percent to about $2.3 billion.

You can find BCE’s full earnings report here or view the Q2 2021 earnings details here.

Source: BCE

Mobile Syrup

Rogers reports record Q3 postpaid wireless net additions as profits dip

Profits are down, but postpaid wireless subscribers are way up, according to Rogers’ third quarter financial results for 2021.

The Toronto-based telecom giant gained 175,000 net new postpaid wireless subscribers in Q3 2021 — its best result in 13 years, according to the report.

For context, postpaid monthly subscribers refers to contracts where customers are billed for mobile services at the end of each month — think bundles and packages — as opposed to prepaid or pay-as-you-go subscriptions where the customer pays upfront.

By comparison, the number of postpaid wireless net additions reported by Rogers earlier this year, in Q2, was 99,000 — which itself was a significant improvement from the 1,000 postpaid wireless net losses the carrier reported in Q2 2020

In terms of terms of income and revenue, however, Rogers’ Q3 report was less celebratory.

The carrier reported a net income of $490 million in Q3 2021, down four percent from last year’s $512 million in Q3 2020.

Meanwhile, total revenue stayed nearly unchanged — by billionaire standards, mind you — with Rogers reporting $3,666,000,000 in Q3 2021, compared to $3,665,000,000 in Q3 2020.

Q3 covers the three-month fiscal period of July, August, and September, which ended on September 30th.

If you weren’t already keeping up on this month’s unexpected season of Succession: Canadian Telecom Edition, the Rogers family seems to be in the middle of a corporate power struggle.

According to insider reports, company chairperson Edward Rogers tried — unsuccessfully — to oust CEO Joe Natale and replace him with chief financial officer Tony Staffieri, with Staffieri losing their job as a result.

The attempted coup reportedly failed because Melinda Hixon-Rogers, deputy chair of the company and Edward’s sister, opposed her brother’s plan, as did most of the board — which includes several other Rogers family members, including another sister, Martha Rogers, and their mother, Loretta Rogers.

The company is also trying to seal the deal on a lucrative —and contentious — purposed merger with Shaw Communications, which still needs federal approval from the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC), the Competition Bureau, and the Department of Innovation, Science and Economic Development.

Source: Rogers