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Court rejects Telus’ motion in spectrum auction case with Bell vs. Quebecor

The Federal Court has rejected a request from Telus that would have temporarily blocked Quebecor from receiving the wireless spectrum it purchased in Western Canada this past summer.

According to a press release, Telus’ motion for an interlocutory injunction — a court order to prevent a party from doing certain acts so long as a court case is ongoing — was not granted.

As a result, the Quebec-based telecom will be awarded the spectrum it bought, without having to wait until the case levied against it by Telus and Bell is resolved.

This news is the latest chapter in an ongoing legal battle initiated by Telus and Bell against Quebecor.

On August 26th, Bell — later joined by Telus — filed an application with the Federal Court of Appeal.

In the application, both parties argued that Quebecor should not have been legally allowed to make certain purchases at the government’s wildly lucrative summer 3500 MHz spectrum auction.

Specifically, the two telecom giants took issue with Quebecor’s decision to buy wireless spectrum in Manitoba, Alberta and British Columbia — i.e. regions where Vidéotron, which is owned by Quebecor, does not currently offer internet services.

In a statement celebrating the legal win, Quebecor dismissed the argument that it shouldn’t be allowed to purchase spectrum licenses in Western Canada as “anti-competitive”, and referred to Telus and Bell as “members of the oligopoly.”

Source: Quebecor