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FlexNetworks acquires Saskatchewan based Redbird Communications

FlexNetworks has acquired Saskatoon-based Redbird Communications to expand broadband services across Canada.

Redbird was founded in 2008 and has contributed to providing fibre across rural communities in Saskatchewan. FlexNetworks owns, manage and operates fibre-optic infrastructure in Saskatchewan, Manitoba and Ontario.

“At both FlexNetworks and Redbird, our belief or ‘abundance philosophy’ is that everyone should have access to broadband speeds and not be disadvantaged simply by geography,”  John Macdonald, FlexNetworks CEO, said in a statement.

According to the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission, less than two percent of rural communities, and zero percent of First Nations communities, have access to broadband in Saskatchewan.

“I have been working for almost two decades on getting services equivalent to what is available in Saskatoon to rural areas, and I am excited to have found a partner who shares that vision,” Robin Seaborn, an original co-founder of Redbird’s, said in a statement. 

Image credit: Shutterstock

Source: FlexNetworks