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Recently filed lawsuit could reveal how much Google pays Apple to make it the default search engine

Ever wondered why Google has been the default search engine on all Apple devices?

Speculation points to financial gains as the answer.

9to5Mac labels this relationship “an open secret,” but it’s always remained unclear how much Google was paying Apple to make this happen.

A recently filed class-action lawsuit may soon reveal this number.

A suit by California Crane School has been filed against Google, Apple and their CEOs alleging the search engine is paying Apple to keep other search engines away.

The complaint details a number of measures helped make this possible. This includes Google sharing profits with Apple in return for the search engine being given preferential treatment, Apple suppressing competition, and secret meetings between executives of the two companies.

The complaint seeks the end of these secret payments. It also asks for orders ending the non-compete agreement Apple has with Google and the end of preferential treatment to Google.

The complaint also asks Google and Apple to be broken up into separate companies that function independently.

Estimates covered by 9to5Mac states Apple was paid $15 billion (roughly $19.1 billion CAD) by Google in 2021, an amount that will increase to between $18 and $20 billion (roughly between $22.9 and $25.5 billion) this year.

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Source: 9to5Mac via MacRumors