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GM reveals Ultra Cruise, a more advanced semi-self-driving system

General Motors has shown off some aspects of its new upgraded semi-autonomous driving system called Ultra Cruise.

The system promises to be a huge leap over GM’s current hands-free driver assistance program Super Cruise. However, the automaker notes that this isn’t an upgrade on Super Cruise, but, rather, a more premium option reserved for more expensive vehicles.

However, that’s good news for upper-class Canadians since the new software can apparently work on 95 percent of roads in the country. With the goal of making it work on every street in both countries eventually.

Ultra Cruise needs more sensors than Super Cruise to create accurate 3D representations of the world around it. This allows it to work on over two million miles of roads now, potentially working on over three million in the future. However, it’s still considered a level-two autonomous system, so it won’t be full self-driving just yet.

However, the company didn’t mention when this feature comes or what vesicles under what GM sub-brand will have it.

On top of the Ultra Cruise announcement, GM also talked about its plans to retool its company with more of a software focus to help drive growth moving into the future.

Source: GM