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A first American moon landing in almost 50 years!

Intuitive Machines has achieved a historic feat by successfully landing its Odysseus robotic spacecraft near the Moon’s South Pole. This is the first company to land on the lunar surface and the first American landing in almost 50 years.

Odysseus, mounted on a SpaceX Falcon 9 launch vehicle, was launched from NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Cape Canaveral, Florida. The robot lander sailed into the deepest parts of space and landed on the moon’s surface at 6:23 pm on Thursday evening.

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Odysseus, named after Homer’s Greek hero The Odyssey, landed in the Malapert A crater at the Moon’s south pole. This landing site was not chosen at random, as the area is of scientific interest for its potential to host future human exploration.

NASA has invested $118 million in this historic mission. The instruments will collect valuable data on the Moon’s dust behavior, its terrain and many other areas, and this harvest could help future missions.

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This mission is a testament to the capabilities and potential of Intuitive Machines, but it also marks a new stage in partnerships between public and private space agencies. NASA, as Odysseus’ main customer, is delighted with this milestone and looks forward to the many scientific benefits the mission should bring.

In January of this year, Pittsburgh-based Astrobotic failed in its attempt to land an automated spacecraft on the Moon. This failure highlighted the risks and complexities of lunar exploration, despite past successes.

The previous failure makes Intuitive Machines’ success all the more impressive.

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Intuitive’s successful soft landing of Odysseus is a key moment in the history of space exploration. It demonstrates a growing commitment to lunar exploration and innovative collaborations that could overcome the obstacles to deep space travel!

Entertainment Gossip

Adam Sandler floats in space and loses his mind in Spaceman’s trailer

After the teaser unveiled last month, here we get a better look at Adam Sandler in his new film soon to be available on Netflix. Sandler takes a radical departure from his comedic roles to play a heartbroken, soul-distressed astronaut in the film Spaceman.

The images of Spaceman, from director Johan Renck (Chernobyl), generate a lot of interest in this trailer, and there’s every reason to believe that Sandler will do it again, i.e. surprise us in a genre further from his comfort zone.

Spaceman will premiere at the Berlin Film Festival, before hitting Netflix on March 1.

Mobile Syrup

China says it might have detected signs of alien life

Just when you thought the last few years couldn’t get any more ridiculous, China’s science ministry has announced that it’s picked up a signal from one of its telescopes that could be from an alien civilization.

In a now-deleted report, scientists at Beijing Normal University say that a signal detected earlier this year by China’s massive “Sky Eye” telescope could be “technological traces of extraterrestrial civilizations outside the earth.”

The Sky Eye is the largest radio telescope in the world and has been scanning deep space for radio signals for several years now. The researchers behind the project say that in 2019 the telescope detected two narrow-band, possibly artificial radio signals, and then in 2022, another unknown narrow-band signal was discovered in a group of exoplanets.

According to Live Science, narrow-band radio waves are typically only used by human aircraft and satellites, indicating that perhaps these signals are coming from some sort of alien technology.

With this in mind, there’s also a strong possibility that these signals could just be radio interference and not a far away alien civilization.

“These are several narrow-band electromagnetic signals different from the past, and the team is currently working on further investigation,” said Zhang Tongjie, head scientist at the China Extraterrestrial Civilization Research Group at Beijing Normal University, to China state-run media outlet Science and Technology Daily (via Live Science). “The possibility that the suspicious signal is some kind of radio interference is also very high, and it needs to be further confirmed and ruled out. This may be a long process.”

It remains unclear why the original report was deleted, especially since the story was picked up by users on China-based social media network Weibo and other state-run outlets in the country.

Image credit: Chinese Academy of Sciences

Source: Beijing Normal University Via: Live Science

Mobile Syrup

NASA to use giant slingshot to send satellites to space

NASA has partnered with space tech company SpinLaunch to test a mass accelerator launch system for satellites.

Specifically, SpinLaunch has produced an enormous suborbital mass accelerator with a 300-foot diameter (about 91m) steel vacuum chamber. For reference, this is about one-sixth the height of 1800-foot Toronto’s CN Tower (about 550m). The device leverages its massive size to rotate its arm at speeds of up 5,000mph (about 8050 km/h) to launch a given item.

In this case, NASA aims to use the mass accelerator to send satellites into Low Earth Orbit (LEO). NASA says this method is more than 70 percent more fuel-efficient than a traditional rocket and will help meet demand for LEO satellite constellations to monitor disasters, weather, national security and more.

SpinLaunch will manifest and fly NASA’s first payload on a developmental test flight later this year, with the first actual orbital test launches planned for 2025.

Source: NASA/SpinLaunch

Mobile Syrup

Amazon Prime Video to release documentary on William Shatner’s trip to space

Amazon Prime Video will premiere a new documentary focused on William Shatner’s recent voyage to outer space.

Titled Shatner in Space, the one-hour special will debut on Prime Video in Canada, the U.S. and select other territories on December 13th.

Shatner in Space will provide an inside look at the Canadian Star Trek star before, during and after the Blue Origin flight. Shatner, who’s 90, embarked on the trip alongside three others on October 13th.

Shatner in Space will also delve into Shatner’s friendship with Amazon and Blue Origin founder Jeff Bezos.

“My time in space was the most profound experience I could have ever imagined,” said Shatner in a statement. “This special documenting my journey gives a dramatic view of that experience, and my hope is that it inspires the world to see we must go to space to save Earth.”

Image credit: Blue Origin

Mobile Syrup

Amazon Prime Video to release documentary on William Shatner’s trip to space

Amazon Prime Video will premiere a new documentary focused on William Shatner’s recent voyage to outer space.

Titled Shatner in Space, the one-hour special will debut on Prime Video in Canada, the U.S. and select other territories on December 13th.

Shatner in Space will provide an inside look at the Canadian Star Trek star before, during and after the Blue Origin flight. Shatner, who’s 90, embarked on the trip alongside three others on October 13th.

Shatner in Space will also delve into Shatner’s friendship with Amazon and Blue Origin founder Jeff Bezos.

“My time in space was the most profound experience I could have ever imagined,” said Shatner in a statement. “This special documenting my journey gives a dramatic view of that experience, and my hope is that it inspires the world to see we must go to space to save Earth.”

Image credit: Blue Origin