Mobile Syrup

Pixel 7 Pro design highlighted in new Google teaser video

Google followed up last week’s Pixel Watch teaser with a new Pixel 7 Pro teaser video. Posted to the ‘Made by Google’ YouTube account, the 43-second clip shows off the Pixel 7 Pro from various angles.

Given how many details Google has already shared publicly about the upcoming smartphone, there aren’t any surprises in the video. Instead, it highlights the phone’s design, with extra attention paid to the ‘Haze’ colour, new camera bar, and more.

The video kicks off with a close-up on the ‘Obsidian’ Pixel 7 Pro’s camera bar, followed by a zoomed-out look at the back of the phone. It then transitions to a close-up of the gold-colour camera bar on the ‘Hazel’ Pixel 7 Pro. In this shot, you can also see the power button, which appears to be a matte shade instead of a shiny gold colour like the phone’s metal edge.

The video jumps back to the ‘Obsidian’ colour camera bar again, then cycles through a few different angles of the camera bar across both the ‘Obsidia’ and ‘Snow’ colours. There’s also a brief look at the back of the phone in full.

Wrapping things up are a view of the ‘Hazel’ and ‘Snow’ phones, seemingly floating in the air, then a view of all three colours together.

Again, none of this reveals anything new about the phone, but it’s nice to get a good look at the Pixel 7 Pro. The design looks good, like a more polished, refined version of the Pixel 6 Pro. It’s still clear that the phone has a glossy back panel, however — that’s a real bummer, in my opinion. One of the best parts of past Pixel phones was the matte glass textures, which gave the phones a unique feel.

You can check out the full video here. Google is set to unveil the Pixel 7 and 7 Pro officially, and likely the Pixel Watch, at its October 6th event — check out what to expect here.

Mobile Syrup

Google reposts Pixel Watch teaser video with larger clock faces

Last week, Google released a short teaser video showcasing the Pixel Watch design. Now, the company has posted the same video to its Taiwan YouTube channel, and some keen-eyed internet users noted that the watch faces are larger in the Taiwan version.

The marginal change has kicked off a storm of arguments about whether Google edited its product video to make the Pixel Watch screen bezels look smaller than they actually are. The idea seems to be that Google edited the clip to make the watch look more attractive.

But after watching both videos, as well as this helpful GIF made by Droid Life that does a direct comparison of the edited parts, the only difference I can see is that the Taiwan video shows larger clock faces than the original video. Maybe I’m missing something, but the bezels aren’t actually visible.

Pixel Watch clock face compare GIF | Credit: Droid Life

One could assume that the clock faces extend all the way to the edge of the screen, and thus making the clock face bigger makes the screen larger and shrinks the bezel. In my experience, most smartwatches feature watch faces that don’t extend all the way to the edge of the screen. Instead, they’re often designed to blend in with the bezels to make the whole thing look more seamless. (For example, look at the photos in my Fitbit Sense review — you can’t see the bezel in most of the pictures, and in the few where it is visible, it’s quite large.)

Ultimately, I think people are reading a little too much into a teaser that’s less than a minute long and almost certainly uses renders, not the actual watch. Is there are argument to be made that the edit could be misleading? Sure, but we also don’t have the actual product to compare to. Plus, there are two versions of the same video — it’s not clear which one is more accurate to the real product.

And we likely won’t have those answers until October 6th at the earliest. Google’s expected to unveil the Pixel Watch alongside the Pixel 7 series at an event on October 6th. We may get a better idea of the Pixel Watch bezel situation at the event, or after when units get into the hands of reviewers. Either way, it’s a bit early to get up in arms over small changes in the clock size in a teaser video for an unreleased product.

Header image credit: Google

Source: Reddit, Droid Life Via: Android Police