Mobile Syrup

This AirTag-sized miniature Game Boy replica comes with five games

How small does a handheld console need to be to qualify as ‘portable?’ Whatever the answer might be, TinyCircuits’ Thumby definitely falls under the criteria.

Thumby is the world’s smallest handheld gaming device, measuring at 29.5mm x 18mm x 8.5mm (1.2-inch x 0.7-inch x 0.3-inch), roughly the same size as Apple’s AirTags.

The miniature handheld features a black and white 72 x 40 pixel resolution OLED screen along with a functioning D-Pad and A/B buttons, and comes with R.F.S.D., TinyAnnelid, TinyDelvere, TinyTris, and TinySaur Run preloaded. However, thanks to the device’s micro USB port, you can create your own games for the handheld and upload them to the miniature Game Boy replica.

Thumby’s tiny 40mAh lithium-polymer battery manages to offer enough power for roughly two hours of gameplay, and its 2MB of storage should be more than adequate for a reasonable number of games.

TinyCircuit is launching the device via Kickstarter for $19, with its estimated delivery scheduled for February 2022.

Image credit: TinyCircuits

Source: TinyCircuits