
Even Donald Trump wants nothing to do with Kanye West anymore

When Donald Trump says Kanye West is too “crazy” and needs psychological help, it means a lot…

Trump has (too) often boasted about being a (great) personal friend of the 45-year-old rapper beforehand, but it looks like that’s not the case anymore.

For several years, the two men helped each other, even more so during the 2016 election, when Ye played a role as a MAGA provocateur and being very helpful for Trump via Fox News.

That said, according to two separate sources, however, Trump has reportedly made it clear that he needs to hold his tongue regarding West’s misbehavior for now, which remains an atypical move for the former president, who is not one to do that.

Nevertheless, according to Trump’s own words via Twitter, his distance from West would be typically strategic, and not rooted in a moral objection, Rolling Stone reports.

The West saga continues to gain momentum, as he has been repeating missteps day after day for several weeks now…


The FBI at Trump’s: some ‘secret’ filing cabinets… are empty!

The FBI searched Donald Trump’ s Mar-a-Lago club and details have emerged about documents the former president allegedly possessed illegally.

According to the FBI release, agents came across a multitude of empty files labeled “classified.”

Could the documents be gone?

The contents of the files are not known, but according to the information circulating in this regard, they are marked classified and therefore cannot leave the White House.

There are 43 empty files marked “classified” and 28 others marked “Return to the Secretary of Staff” or “Military Assistance”!

The FBI is therefore questioning the situation even more with all these boxes containing… empty files!