Mobile Syrup

Uber’s audio recording safety feature now available in Canada

Uber riders and drivers in Canada can now access a safety feature that allows trips to be audio recorded.

Users can set up the feature in the app’s Safety Toolkit and start a a recording by hitting the blue shield icon on the map screen and tapping ‘start.’ Users can control when they want to start or stop a recording. If riders and drivers don’t end a recording on their own, Uber says the recording will stop after the trip is complete.

Audio files are encrupted and stored on the device of the person making the recording. Uber’s team can only access the file if users report safety incidents, allowing them to attach the audio file in the report.

“We’re always looking for ways to leverage our innovative technology to build features that help make Uber safer,” Michael van Hemmen, general manager of Uber Canada Mobility, said. “We hope this audio recording feature will help give riders and drivers peace of mind by encouraging comfortable and positive interactions while on trips.”

Uber originally launched the feature in 2019, but it didn’t make its way to Canada until 2022. The company tested the feature in Calgary in November.

Source: Uber