
Consuming Fruits and Veggies for a Healthy Pregnancy

Researchers at the University of Boston Medical School have discovered that pregnant women who consumed at least seven portions of fruits and vegetables per day moderately reduced their risk of developing an upper respiratory tract infection, reports the Science Daily.

Upper respiratory tract infections could be either the flu or a sinus infection, which could lead to problems in the lower respiratory tracts, such as asthma or pneumonia.

Despite the fact that the majority of infections turn out to be the common cold, identifying the means of prevention is important, since colds are most frequently related to school or work absences.

Eating nutritional foods, especially fruits and vegetables, helps to strengthen the immune system, and according to this study, pregnant women in particular reap the benefits as well.



Modifying Diet for Prostate Cancer Prevention

According to a new publication in the Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics, a diet low in fat and red meat that is rich in fruits and vegetables serves as a great benefit for prostate cancer prevention.

The study recommended these nutritional changes for prevention, but cancer patients can also profit from the diet, since it is believed that the diet helps treat the disease as well.

In another study, tomatoes, cauliflower, broccoli, green tea, selenium, and essential vitamins, such as vitamin E, lowered the risk of developing prostate cancer.


Conserving Antioxidants in Veggies

A study published by the Institute of Food Technologists demonstrated that certain vegetables conserve their antioxidant properties when cooked in particular ways.

Spanish researchers studied the effects of boiling, steaming, baking, microwaving, frying and grilling on 20 different vegetables.

The results showed that the artichoke is the vegetable that keeps the highest antioxidant level when cooked using all methods. Green beans, beets and garlic had high levels of antioxidant conservation.

On the contrary, cauliflower was one of the vegetables with the highest tendency of antioxidant loss. According to researchers, the best methods of cooking vegetables are to cook on a metal surface without oil and to microwave.

Antioxidants play a key role in preventing cancer as well as other illnesses.


Adopt a Mediterranean Diet for Healthy Bones

According to a study by Harokopio University in Athens, a Mediterranean diet, including a large consumption of fish and olive oil and less red meat, contributes to preserving bone density in women.

We know that the essential nutrients for our skeleton are calcium and phosphorus, which make up 80% to 90% of our bones. The next essential components are proteins, minerals and vitamins.

Adopting a Mediterranean diet as suggested by the study reportedly has a significant impact on the health of bones for adult women.


The Benefits of a Mediterranean Diet

A diet rich in fruits and vegetables, fish and olive oil can not only be beneficial for the heart, but also for the brain, says Dr. Nikolaos Scarmeas of New York’s Columbia University.

The researcher claims that the Mediterranean diet reduced risks of cognitive disorders, such as dementia or Alzheimer’s disease by 48%.

Dr. Scarmeas, however, is wary of these results. "This is not a clinical trial, it is only an observational study. We cannot, therefore, say that the Mediterranean diet is definitely useful for neurological conditions such as mild cognitive impairment," he warned.

Several earlier studies suggest that this diet reduces one’s levels of bad cholesterol, reduces inflammation, and lowers the risks of cardiovascular disease.


The Implications of a Food Crisis

According to La Presse, the food crisis, which has hit thirty or so countries, will result in consequences for North Americans as well.

For example, the price of conserved vegetables could be increasing by 10 to 20%, according to the president and CEO of the Council of Food Processing and Consumer Products, Mr. Jacques Légaré.

He stated that it is really a catastrophe by the way prices of wheat, barley, soybeans, and corn have soared in the past year.

Specialists are saying that it is just the beginning of the crisis, since the ever-increasing oil prices could justify a price hike for certain foods.