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Alex Ovechkin caught in online controversy!

Chatter remains loud around Washington Capitals superstar Alex Ovechkin and his support of Russian President Vladimir Putin and Russia’s unjust war against Ukraine. Earlier this season, there were even reports that the Ukrainian Canadian Congress (UCC) had made an official appeal to the Canadian government to have Ovechkin banned from the country. In particular, the UCC asked the federal government in December to deny Ovechkin entry into Canada prior to the Capitals’ game against the Maple Leafs in Toronto.

Ovi remains focused on chasing Wayne Gretzky’s record, but on Tuesday, it was revealed that his page on MoneyPuck now redirects to an article titled: “What to do about a problem called Alex Ovechkin: A look at the NHLer’s close ties to [President RUS].” and a donation page for Ukraine.

Not sure if Ovechkin is aware of the controversial stance from MoneyPuck online, but he probably hasn’t help his case as he never criticized the Russian government for the invasion of Ukraine and for years he has kept a photo of himself with Putin as the profile picture on his Instagram account.  

Hockey fans and North Americans, in general, paid little attention to Ovechkin’s relationship with Putin until Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine in February 2022. Knowing that he is a popular search, Money Puck went a step further to criticize the player and link him to a controversy. 

Now things like this Money Puck page redirect is catching attention and Ovechkin is caught once again in the controversy.
Last year, MoneyPuck made their feelings clear about Ovechkin and his support of Putin.

It was a matter of time before they went at it again, this time, trying to support people of Ukraine.

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Elon Musk wants to go up against Vladimir Putin in ‘single combat’

Tesla and SpaceX CEO Elon Musk has challenged Russian President Vladimir Putin to a “single combat,” and the stakes are Ukraine. That’s enough internet for today.

Musk announced the banter challenge via his Twitter, and even tagged the Kremlin’s official English account. However, Putin is unlikely to see the Tweet since he’s banned the platform in Russia.

Musk, 50, has some experience in Karate, Taekwondo, Judo and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, but isn’t likely a match for Putin. The 69-year-old is a 9th Dan black belt in Taekwondo (or at least, he was until recently when the honorary title was revoked) and a former lieutenant colonel at KGB (Komitet Gosudarstvennoy Bezopasnosti).

It has become evident that Musk condemns the illegal invasion of Ukraine by the hands of Russia. He recently sent over several Starlink terminals to help keep the country stay connected to the rest of the world and has been vocal about the conflict on his Twitter.

Image credit: Vocativ, Shutterstock