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Resident Evil 4 is the perfect gaming remake

Over the years, I’ve been telling myself that I’m going to replay Resident Evil 4. I first beat it around 10 years ago and was blown away by how tightly crafted and thrilling it was, but for whatever reason, I haven’t properly gone back beyond a bit of experimentation with PlayStation’s DualSense Edge controller.

Upon reflection, I think I now know why that is. Resident Evil 4 is an undeniably great game, but there’s just one problem: it’s kinda clunky. Without question, the seminal 2005 game deserves all of its flowers for how it helped pioneer the third-person shooter genre, but it can be difficult to revisit due to its control scheme. People who regularly replay the older Resident Evil games have no doubt gotten accustomed to those tank-style controls, but others, who understandably come from a modern landscape, might find the lack of mobility rather frustrating, especially when aiming. That’s certainly been the case for me.

It’s also a key reason why I’ve been on board from the start with Capcom’s 2023 remake of the game, simply titled Resident Evil 4. Using the framework of its incredible Resident Evil 2 remake, Capcom revisiting RE4 presented an opportunity to modernize the game’s more dated elements while enhancing everything that still works extremely well, from the delightfully campy tone and masterful pacing to memorably grotesque enemy design and eerie setting. It’s a monumental achievement, then, that Capcom has managed to do all of that and more with Resident Evil 4 (2023), delivering an absolute masterpiece that sets the gold standard for remakes in gaming.

That B-movie charm, and more

The core premise of the remake remains the same. After the U.S. president’s daughter is kidnapped, special agent Leon S. Kennedy is tasked with travelling to a remote European village to rescue her from a religious cult. But everything surrounding this solid action B-movie setup has been improved. Smartly, Capcom now emphasizes how Leon’s been psychologically affected since we last saw him during the harrowing events of RE2, creating a stronger throughline between the two games. This helps ground a character who, in the original game, would perform The Matrix-level superhuman feats with an almost psychopathic level of detachment. At the same time, Capcom retains some of his humour — which, in the context of his trauma, now feels more like an appropriate coping mechanism — and charming one-liners. Further strengthening the ties to RE2 is returning Leon actor Nick Apostolides, who does a brilliant job of conveying both the edgier and more lighthearted sides of the character.

Resident Evil 4 Leon and AshleyThe remake’s stronger writing extends to other characters, too. In the original game, the president’s daughter, Ashley, was little more than an annoying damsel in distress for Leon to save. Here, she’s far less whiny and even now has an endearing rapport with Leon, with the two bonding over the horrible experiences in which they find themselves. It also helps that Canadian actress Genevieve Buechner delivers a more understated performance, graciously making Ashley feel more like a character than a plot device. But the character who gets expanded upon the most is Luis. The ex-cop Spaniard had a relatively minor role in the original game, in which he made decidedly distasteful comments about Ashley, but here, he has a meatier role while also dropping the casual sexism. Across multiple sections of the campaign, the remake gives Leon more of an opportunity to get to know Luis, giving them a much more compelling camaraderie than ever before.

Cool moves, Mr. Kennedy

But story and characters aren’t the main reason one plays Resident Evil — that would be the survival horror gameplay. Thankfully, that’s where the remake shines even more. That all starts with Capcom’s stunning RE Engine, which powered RE2 and Village and produces more jaw-droppingly gorgeous, photorealistic visuals for RE4. Everything from blood-soaked animal carcasses and dilapidated European architecture to pus-filled, fleshy mutants and Leon’s glistening rain-soaked tactical shirt looks absolutely incredible with the contemporary visuals. Admittedly, the original RE4 marked a shift from the series’ signature scares to a more action-heavy experience, but the improved presentation — replete with expertly honed lighting and audio design (enhanced on PS5 through the disembodied, unnerving voices that emanate through the DualSense speaker) — actually helps maintain some of the horror elements.

Resident Evil 4 spooky caveBut let’s be real — RE4 is, first and foremost, an action game, and the remake hones in on that in all of the best ways. Honestly, it can’t be understated just how much more engaging and thrilling combat can be when you’re afforded complete 360-degree movement. Instead of occasionally fighting with the controls, you’re able to focus entirely on the obstacles in front of you, which allows Capcom to shift focus on getting creative with enemy configurations and the actual layout of areas. Sure, the original game had a level of verticality to it, but the remake’s extra freedom of movement and real-time transitions between vaulting around, climbing up ladders and jumping through windows make everything feel infinitely more seamless. Ashley, too, is less of a nuisance in combat, thanks to better AI and the ability to command her to stick close to Leon (useful when fleeing) or hang back (handy when fighting).

All the while, Leon’s returning ability to shoot enemies in the head or knee and make them vulnerable to a satisfying kick or suplex is much more intuitive and smooth when you have full camera and character control. Throw in the ability to set weapons and grenades/flashbangs to D-pad shortcuts instead of having to constantly open your inventory to equip gear and RE4 (2023) feels like the perfect realization of its predecessor’s gameplay potential.

Resident Evil 4 combatBut the single biggest and best change in this regard comes through Leon’s knife. In the original RE4, you would have to awkwardly hold up the blade while making slow slashes, a process that had to be repeated each time you wanted to open a crate and check for resources. This, coupled with the requirement to confirm item pick-ups instead of simply automatically doing so in the remake, made things feel a bit tedious in the original. (The surprisingly addicting Tetris-style case management system does return, though, with a welcome auto-sort option, to boot.) If instant item pick-ups in the remake weren’t enough, Leon’s knife now has greater versatility in exchange for a durability metre, and it’s truly a game-changer.

In the remake, Leon can parry most incoming attacks — including melee attacks, crossbow bolts, tendrils and even chainsaws — with a well-timed button press. The window for this is pretty generous, admittedly, but it still feels ridiculously cool to fend off incoming fire with just a knife. Instead, the challenge comes from the on-the-fly decision-making regarding when to actually employ the knife. Since it can also be used for quick, last-minute escapes when you’re grabbed by an enemy or even new insta-kill stealth moves, there’s a meaningful risk-reward element to your blade.

Resident Evil 4 parryAt the same time, you can find new knives to replace your broken ones and repair your main blade at the Merchant (yes, the lovably goofy and mysterious salesman returns) for a fairly large fee, so there’s a perfectly balanced and rewarding gameplay loop surrounding the knife alone. That’s to say nothing of the glorious assortment of pistols, rifles, shotguns and other weapons that Leon accrues, all of which are upgradable at the Merchant. All told, Resident Evil 4 (2023)’s extensive mechanical refinements result in some of the most pulse-pounding and gratifying third-person combat I’ve ever experienced in a game.

Change for the better

In many ways, Resident Evil 4‘s nondescript European setting was a character unto itself, and the remake only dramatically expands upon that. Each of the game’s three main hubs — the village, castle and island — are all bigger and denser this time around, with more secrets and puzzles to tackle in each. In some areas, Leon can even return with Ashley to give her a boost and open up previously unreachable paths. While I wish they did a little more with the team-up dynamic (there aren’t really that many of these instances, and the segmented nature of RE4‘s settings means that you eventually leave areas without the ability to return), it’s still a novel way to reward exploration and add replay value. A new sidequest system also encourages you to venture off the beaten path, be it to shoot ‘x’ number of hidden targets kill more powerful versions of enemies. I appreciate the added challenge these afforded on top of just netting you valuable money and resources to spend at the Merchant’s shop.

Resident Evil 4 knifeThroughout all of this, Capcom has also been clever enough to make changes to environments and structures where it makes sense. Gone are some of the comically over-the-top quick-time events (QTEs) — fine in 2005, but pretty dated 18 years later — and in their place are interactive sequences that retain the same campy spirit. Boss fights and setpieces that were limited to small areas now feel more lively thanks to larger combat arenas in which Leon can actually properly run around and shoot. After 2020’s Resident Evil 3, there were concerns from some long-term fans as to how much content might be cut or changed, but thankfully, this reimagining of RE4 retains nearly everything while making smart tweaks where they’re most needed.

To go into specifics would spoil some of the remake’s many amazing surprises, but the best broader example I can give is the aforementioned island. What was once a numbing slog of waves of overpowered enemies and visually dull rocky environments has been reworked into a more atmospheric, tightly crafted and aesthetically diverse endgame section. What originally worked here has been thoughtfully retained and built upon — namely, the frightening Regenerators — while everything else that was grating has seen a significant revamp. Best of all, Capcom wisely fleshes out Leon’s antagonistic relationship with soldier Jack Krauser throughout the earlier sections, so the island gauntlet now serves as a dramatic and exciting build-up to an outstanding, tense, almost cat-and-mouse encounter between the two former brothers-in-arms.

The best REmake to date

Resident Evil 4 Leon in carFor years, many have argued that a Resident Evil 4 remake was unneeded, and that’s not without merit. The original game remains playable on pretty much every platform and holds up quite well in many ways. But Resident Evil 4 (2023) shows that such a line of thinking lacks imagination. Against all odds, Capcom has managed to take one of the most beloved games of all time and modernize in it so many brilliant ways, lovingly staying true to the original experience while bolding charting a new path for it. This is easily the greatest gaming remake to date and an early frontrunner for Game of the Year.

Resident Evil 4 is now available on PlayStation 4/5, Xbox Series X/S and PC.

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Image credit: Capcom

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Xbox patent outlines gamepad with Wii U-like built-in touchscreen

A recently filed Xbox patent outlines a gamepad that allows players to save custom loadouts that can then be accessed via a touchscreen built into the controller.

According to the patent, the display can also track the player’s in-game performance and be used to access various social media features (likely posting clips of gameplay and other photos). Other potential features include audio settings, charge level and more. The patent also mentions that the hypothetical gamepad is compatible with smartphones through a mobile app.

In a sense, the gamepad sort of seems like a pared-down version of the Wii U’s GamePad or, if you’re old like me, the Dreamcast’s Visual Memory Card (VMU), only its display is designed to show very specific information. It’s worth noting that Game Rant strangely doesn’t link back to the patent link in its coverage and I wasn’t able to find it myself. However, the image looks legitimate and likely exists in a patent database somewhere.

Earlier this week, Microsoft revealed ‘Red’ and ‘Blue’ Elite Series 2 gamepad Core colours, and a few months ago, the tech giant released a custom version of the Elite Series 2 controller.

As is the case with all patents, it’s important to point out that it’s unclear if this gamepad will actually be released. That said, the Elite Series 2 was released back in 2019, so a new version of Microsoft’s high-end gamepad could be in the works — especially considering the build issues the Series 2 has experienced (though the custom version of the gamepad seems to solve most of them).

Via: Game Rant

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Microsoft stops offering $1 Xbox Game Pass trial to pursue other promotions

New Xbox Game Pass subscribers can no longer get their first month for $1.

In a statement to The Verge, Kari Perez, head of global communications at Xbox, confirmed that the introductory offer has been axed. She says Xbox is instead “evaluating different marketing promotions for new members in the future.”

It’s a notable move from the company, which has touted the low entry cost for years in its promotion of the service. As it stands, though, it’s unclear what will take its place.

One possibility is the Game Pass Friends & Family plan that Xbox has been testing in a handful of markets, including Ireland, South Africa and Chile. In Ireland, a single monthly fee of €21.99 (about $32.50 CAD) allows up to four people to share one Game Pass membership. While it’s unclear exactly what Perez was referring to when she mentioned “different marketing promotions,” it’s possible that the removal of the $1 introductory offer could have been done to expand the Friends & Family plan to other markets.

For now, though, the only Game Pass options are console and PC subscriptions ($11.99/month each) or an Ultimate membership ($16.99/month). Ultimate includes Game Pass for both console and PC, as well as EA Play, Xbox Live Gold and Xbox Cloud Gaming.

In any case, Game Pass is a huge part of Microsoft’s gaming strategy. Since 2018, the company has been offering all of its first-party titles on the service on day one, including Gears 5Halo Infinite and Hi-Fi Rush. It also intends to bring Activision Blizzard games like Call of Duty to Game Pass should its acquisition of the publishing giant be approved.

While Microsoft doesn’t often reveal how well Game Pass is performing, it admitted in U.K. filings from last year pertaining to the Activision Blizzard deal that the service had missed its subscriber target for two consecutive years. However, Microsoft Gaming CEO Phil Spencer said in October that Game Pass is still profitable, even as growth has slowed on console. In its own U.K. filings attempting in November to block the Activision Blizzard acquisition, Sony estimated that there are 29 million Game Pass subscribers.

Ultimately, it remains to be seen how new promotions, as well as upcoming major titles like Bethesda’s Redfall (May 2nd) and Starfield (September 6th), might help expand the service’s subscriber base.

Image credit: Xbox

Source: The Verge

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Save up to 20 percent on select Xbox Wireless Controllers today

If you’re in the market for a new controller, check out these deals on the Xbox Series X/S gamepad from Amazon Canada

The Xbox Series X/S gamepad has received several design upgrades that significantly enhance its functionality compared to the Xbox One controller. These upgrades include textured grips, triggers, and a redesigned D-Pad, which provide a solid gaming experience.

MobileSyrup utilizes affiliate partnerships. These partnerships do not influence our editorial content, though we may earn a commission on purchases made via these links that helps fund the journalism provided free on our website.

Source: Amazon Canada

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What’s new on Xbox Game Pass on console, PC and mobile in late March 2023

Every month, Xbox brings new games to its Xbox Game Pass subscription service.

Typically, these come in waves, and now, Xbox has revealed what’s rounding out March, following the March 21st Game Pass launch of Ni no Kuni: Revenant Kingdom — The Prince’s Edition (Cloud, Console, and PC).

  • MLB The Show 23 (Cloud and Console) — March 28th
  • Infinite Guitars (Cloud, Console, and PC) — March 30th

Additionally, here’s what’s leaving Game Pass on March 31st:

  • A Memoir Blue (Cloud, Console, and PC)
  • Chinatown Detective Agency (Cloud, Console, and PC)
  • ClusterTruck (Cloud, Console, and PC)
  • Double Dragon Neon (Cloud and Console)
  • Kraken Academy!! (Cloud, Console, and PC)
  • MLB The Show 22 (Cloud and Console)
  • Power Rangers: Battle for the Grid (Cloud, Console, and PC)

An Xbox Game Pass subscription costs $11.99 CAD/month for either Console or PC, while a $16.99/month Game Pass Ultimate membership includes Game Pass for both Console and PC, Xbox Live Gold, EA Play and Xbox Cloud Gaming.

Find out what came to Game Pass earlier this month here.

In related news, Xbox confirmed last week that Ghostwire: Tokyo is coming to Game Pass in April following a one-year console exclusivity on PS5.

Image credit: PlayStation

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Canadian narrative cooking game Venba coming to Xbox Game Pass this summer

Toronto-based Visai Games has announced that its narrative cooking game, Venba, will be coming to Xbox consoles (plus Game Pass) and PlayStation 5 this summer in addition to Nintendo Switch and PC as previously announced.

This marks a slight delay from its original spring 2023 release window.

Venba focuses on an Indian mother who moves to Canada with her family in the ’80s. Through minigames, players will prepare authentic South Indian dishes, which help to connect her to her old home. Players will also engage in branching conversations to learn more about the immigrant family.

For more on Venba, check out our interview with the game’s creator, Abhi. As well, here are several other Canadian-made games to look out for this year.

Image credit: Visai Games

Source: Visai Games

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Microsoft’s Xbox mobile gaming store could release as soon as 2024

Microsoft envisions a future where Apple will be forced to open up its App Store to third-party storefronts and hopes to take advantage of this changing tide with its own Xbox mobile marketplace.

In a recent interview with the Financial Times, Xbox CEO Phil Spencer said that Microsoft wants “to be in a position to offer Xbox content from both us and our third-party partners across any screen where somebody would want to play.”

“Today, we can’t do that on mobile devices but we want to build towards a world that we think will be coming where those devices are opened up,” said Spencer.

This isn’t the first we’ve heard of Xbox’s mobile gaming ambitions. Back in October, Microsoft detailed plans to build its own mobile apps store in a filing to the U.K.’s Competition and Markets Authority tied to its pending purchase of Activision Blizzard.

The Xbox mobile store will likely feature notable Activision Blizzard-owned mobile games like Candy Crush Saga, Call of Duty Mobile, Diablo Immortal and more.

While Microsoft could easily launch an Xbox storefront on Android right now, it needs regulators to push Apple to allow alternative stores on the iPhone and iPad. Through the EU’s Digital Markets Act, this could become a reality in the coming months.

“The Digital Markets Act that’s coming — those are the kinds of things that we are planning for,” said Spencer. “I think it’s a huge opportunity.” Microsoft has a small presence in mobile gaming right now, and the Xbox maker admitted that in a filing with the UK’s Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) last year: “Microsoft currently has no meaningful presence in mobile gaming and the [Activision Blizzard] transaction will bring much needed expertise in mobile game development, marketing and advertising,” said Spencer during the interview.

Microsoft’s Xbox App Store will also likely be tied to its Xbox Cloud Gaming platform that allows players to stream dozens of titles, which is available through a native app on Android and via a browser on iPhone. With this in mind, it likely wouldn’t be difficult for Microsoft to adapt this app into a more unified app store on Android, and then port it over to iOS.

Source: Financial Times Via: Polygon

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Microsoft signs 10-year deal to bring Xbox, Activision Blizzard games to PC streaming platform

Microsoft has signed a 10-year deal to bring its PC games to Ukrainian cloud gaming company Boosteroid’s platform.

The Redmond, Washington-based company says this will include existing and future Xbox games, as well as Activision Blizzard titles, should its acquisition of the Call of Duty publisher be approved.

Boosteroid says it’s the largest independent cloud gaming provider in the world with more than four million global users. Despite the ongoing Russian invasion of Ukraine, Boosteroid also says it’s continued to see growth in the past 13 months. Some of the markets it serves beyond its native Ukraine include the U.S., U.K., France and Italy. It remains to be seen whether the partnership with Microsoft might push Boosteroid to expand into Canada.

This is the latest 10-year game licensing deal that Xbox has signed in an effort to get approval for its Activision Blizzard deal. This includes similar decade-long agreements with the likes of Nintendo and Nvidia. While Microsoft has said it’s willing to make a similar commitment with Sony, the Japanese tech giant has been trying to block the deal by arguing that it’s anti-competitive. Most recently, the company expressed concerns that Xbox would give PlayStation inferior versions of games like Call of Duty to prop up its own hardware and services.

Source: Microsoft

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Xbox confirms it won’t be on E3 2023 show floor

Xbox will not be on the E3 show floor this year but will instead co-stream the event when it starts on June 11th.

An Xbox spokesperson told IGN that “we can’t wait to host our Xbox Games Showcase on June 11 and will share more details later. We also look forward to co-streaming our event as part of E3 Digital and will not be on the E3 show floor.”

Last month, IGN reported that PlayStation, Nintendo and Xbox will not formally attend E3 2023. Nintendo will completely miss the event, and Xbox will hold its own showcase.

Earlier this week, Bethesda announced that it will host an Xbox Games Showcase on June 11th, and it will share more details on Starfield immediately after that show.

It’s also been revealed that E3 2023 will have a digital showcase, but studio participation is unclear. Ubisoft has confirmed it will take part in E3 this year, but it’s unclear which other publishers will be taking part in the event.

E3 2023’s physical event will take place from June 13th to 16th and be split between days for professionals and fans.

Source: IGN

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Microsoft says it’s ‘confident’ it can get Call of Duty: Warzone on Nintendo Switch

Microsoft is optimistic that it could overcome the technical limitations of the Nintendo Switch to bring Call of Duty to the platform.

In a filing to the U.K.’s Competition and Markets Authority (CMA), Microsoft outlined what could be done to make good on its 10-year “binding” agreement with Nintendo to bring Call of Duty games to Nintendo platforms should its acquisition of Activision Blizzard be approved.

According to Microsoft, the engine powering the popular battle royale series is “mature and has been optimized to run on a wide range of hardware devices.” This includes the Xbox One, a nearly 10-year-old console, and PC GPUs “released as far back as 2015” — both of which predate the Switch’s 2017 launch. Further, Microsoft notes that Activision also offers a (yet-to-be-released) mobile version of Warzone that “runs natively on mobile phones which have much lower performance specifications than the Nintendo Switch.”

More specifically, Microsoft said there are “standard techniques” that have been used for Switch ports of the likes of Apex LegendsFortniteDoom Eternal and Crysis 3. On top of that, Microsoft says it’s “confident” in Activision Blizzard’s developers, who have a “long history of optimizing game performance for available hardware capabilities.”

Of course, this is all hypothetical until Microsoft actually owns Activision Blizzard. As it stands, European regulators are still deliberating on the deal, although Reuters reported last week that Microsoft’s deals with the likes of Nintendo and Nvidia have helped stave off governmental anti-competition concerns. Sony, for its part, has staunchly opposed the acquisition, arguing that Call of Duty would give Microsoft an unfair advantage. Most recently, the company expressed concerns that Microsoft might release inferior versions of games on PlayStation.

We’ll know for sure which argument ultimately wins out when the CMA delivers its final ruling on April 26th.

Image credit: Activision

Source: Microsoft