
Tagging babies in daycare

In Europe, electronic bracelets have arrived in some daycares.

It is unclear whether the trend will spread to other countries but there’s a new system in Europe where electronic bracelets are attached to a baby’s ankle at daycare.

30 French daycares are now equipped with this infant security system.

This method is mainly used to prevent infant abductions. If the infant passes by a certain perimeter, an alarm will sound and all doors and elevators are locked.

But according to the director of a daycare in Bordeaux Nord, Yves Noël, there are some mothers and fathers who do not like this system. These parents feel that this bracelet calls into question the daycare’s ability to protect their child.

This bracelet not only helps prevent a baby from being kidnapped, it also helps avoid mixing up babies. This is a security measure that will be implemented in many other European institutions by the end of the year.