
Tara Reid is Not Stupid

Tara Reid insisted that she is not stupid like Paris Hilton and Lindsay Lohan.

According to FemaleFirst, actress Tara Reid says she does not get into legal problems because she is not stupid like the partying Lohan and Hilton.

The 31-year-old American Pie star says that she is reformed and does not want to risk her career.

She stated, "I think the reason I never ended up in as much trouble as Paris or Lindsay seem to is that I’m not stupid, so I’d never do a lot of the things those girls do, and I’ve always had good friends around me."

According to Reid, Hilton and Lohan need to surround themselves with more responsible people.

She terminating stating, "You’ll never read a story about me going out and partying when I’m supposed to be working. Nor would I show up on a set drunk or miss a day’s work – never.".