
Taylor Swift’s Speak Now sets sales record

Young pop star’s new album sells more than one million copies its first week.

Things are looking up for the music industry with Taylor Swift’s Speak Now album debuting at number 1, selling more than one million copies in its first week, reports Billboard.


Thanks to a marketing campaign efficiently carried out by Swift and her team, the album has succeeded in a way that no artist has been able to since L’il Wayne’s platinum debut in 2008. To be exact, 1,047,000 albums were sold, representing 18 per cent of all albums sold last week, which is about one in every five purchases.


A master blogger and Twitterer, she has established herself as a prime star for the social media age. After several days of uncharacteristic silence, Swift Tweeted her 4.5 million followers: “I …Can’t… Believe … This … You guys have absolutely lit up my world. Thank you.”


At the young age of 20, Swift joins the ranks of female greats Whitney Houston, Norah Jones and Britney Spears with a million album sales in only one week. To put it all in perspective, top-selling artist of the last decade, Eminem, sold 741,000 copies of his latest album Recovery during the first week it was released last June.