
Tea better for you than water?

Researchers believe tea has more health benefits than water.

If you’re thirsty, it might be better to sip a cup of tea than drink a glass of water, according to a study published in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition. Not only does tea help quench your thirst, but it has additional health benefits that water does not.

“Drinking tea is actually better than drinking water,” said Dr. Carrie Ruxton, nutritionist and author of the study, according to BBC. “Water basically replaces fluid. Tea replaces fluids and contains antioxidants so that you have two things happening,” Ruxton said.

Antioxidants are known to help reduce cell damage, so researchers believe drinking three or four cups of tea a day helps prevent of heart attacks and some cancers.

Other believed benefits for tea drinkers include protection again tooth plaque and decay, and strengthening of bones.

According to the British Nutrition Foundation, research shows that drinking 1-6 cups of tea a day, including black tea increases the intake of antioxidants.

However, people predisposed to anemia should avoid drinking tea after eating, since studies show that it prevents the absorption of iron from food.