
Teenager arrested for tipping waitress with poo covered note

A teenager has been arrested for allegedly tipping a waitress at a restaurant with a money note covered in poo.

A teenager has been arrested for allegedly tipping a waitress with cash covered in poo.

The unnamed 17-year-old enjoyed a meal at the Brothers Bar & Grill in Indiana, in the Midwestern United States, with pals from his college football team before he made the shocking payment.

The suspect is said to have gone to the toilet and, upon returning to his table, put the money inside the waitresses’ black folder.

The restaurant employee told police officers she saw the boy sniggering when she went to pick it up and smelt a ”foul odour”.

The teen’s college – Ball State University – athletic director told Complex: ”We…find the alleged actions deplorable.

”We are continuing to collect information on the matter and will refrain from further judgement until then.”