
Teenagers are addicted to prescription drugs

A study reveals that young Americans are often very careless.

One in five U.S. teens is addicted to prescription drugs, according to a study by the U.S. Centers for Control and Prevention (CDC).

Howell Wechsler is director of the CDC’s Division of Adolescent and School Health. In a news release, he states: "Some people may falsely believe that prescription drugs are safer than illegal drugs, yet their misuse can cause serious adverse health effects, including addiction and death."

The study was conducted among 16,000 young people and mentioned that three-quarters have already consumed alcohol, 37% have tried marijuana, 6.4% have done cocaine, 7% have used  ecstasy and 4% have taken methamphetamine.

In addition, many other indiscretions are revealed in the habits of young people. One teenager in ten says they rarely or never use a seatbelt in the car, the vast majority has ridden a motorcycle without a helmet and one in ten youth has already driven drunk. In the thirty days preceding the survey, one in five teens said they had been in possession of a firearm, a knife or a baton. Another worrisome statistic is that 6% of respondents said they bring a weapon to school.