
Telephone Numbers of the Stars Hit the Web

Some private telephone numbers for celebrities have been intercepted and published on the internet.

The site Drudge Report has confirmed the authenticity of the numbers and a govermental source confirms that an FBI investigation has been launched after the cell phone of actress and hieress Paris Hilton was hacked.

All of Hilton’s phone numbers from her private address book were found on the internet.  In the file were the personal numbers of Eminem, Lindsay Lohan, Chrisina Aguilera, Andy Roddick, Ashlee Simpson, Victoria Gotti, Vin Diesel, Anna Kournikova and others.

Before noon Sunday, a friend of Hilton’s, Amy Sacco, had already received over 120 calls from all over the United States.

In addition to the numbers, Hilton’s cell phone contained personal notes and her hotel and airline preferences.