
Television watching linked to bad eating habits

Study finds excessive TV watchers are more likely to snack on unhealthy food.

People who spend a lot of time in front of the television are more likely to snack heavily on unhealthy food, according to a new study reported by Science Daily.

Researchers at Loughborough University in the U.K. reviewed 53 international studies on diet and behavior, and found a significant link between time spent in front of the television and unhealthy food choices in both children and adults.

"Not only are television viewers exposed to numerous advertisements that can influence the type of food they desire and consume, but television can also act as a distraction, resulting in a lack of awareness of actual food consumption or overlooking food cues that may lead to overconsumption," explained study author Stuart Biddle. "For some people, a substantial proportion of their daily energy intake is consumed whilst watching TV."

Children, in particular, tend to pick up the behavior from their parents, so the researchers recommend that the whole family should work together on breaking the bad habit.

"The more time children and adolescents spend sedentary in front of a screen, the more likely they are to eat unhealthy foods," noted co-author Natalie Pearson.

Photo credit: graur razvan ionut/