
Teri Hatcher’s Difficult Childhood

American actress Teri Hatcher recently spoke about her difficult childhood, and revealed that she had been abused.

In an interview with Vanity Fair magazine, the Desperate Housewives star said that she even considered suicide as a way to end the sexual abuse that she endured between the ages of 5 and 8.  She explained, "Any day of the week, I could feel that sort of pain. I haven’t tried to kill myself, but I’ve certainly thought about it, and then I felt guilty about thinking about it."

As an adult, Hatcher learned that a 14 year-old victim of her uncle and abuser, Richard Hayes Stone, had committed suicide.  Hatcher then helped police to build their case against the pedophile, who is now serving 14 years in prison.

The star has kept her past private, but has now decided to share her story.  She said, "I’m 41-years-old, and it’s time for me to stop hiding."