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Tesla broke its quartery vehicle delivery record in Q3, 2022

After revealing its Q2 ‘Vehicle Production & Deliveries’ results back in July, Tesla revealed that “June 2022 was the highest vehicle production month” in the company’s history. During that time, it was reported that if Tesla keeps up with the production numbers, it could easily achieve its best quarter in regards to production and deliveries […]

After revealing its Q2 ‘Vehicle Production & Deliveries’ results back in July, Tesla revealed that “June 2022 was the highest vehicle production month” in the company’s history. During that time, it was reported that if Tesla keeps up with the production numbers, it could easily achieve its best quarter in regards to production and deliveries in Q3, 2022.

Now, in the company’s Q3 ‘Vehicle Production & Deliveries,’ Tesla has revealed that it has broken its previous delivery record of 310,048 vehicles per quarter. The company delivered a record number of 343,830 vehicles in the third quarter of 2022, while the vehicles produced totalled 365,923, leaving about 22,093 vehicles in inventory.

Out of the total deliveries, 18,672 were Model S/X vehicles, while 325,158 were Model 3/Y. On the production side of things, 19,935 were Model S/X, while 345,988 were Model 3/Y.

“As our production volumes continue to grow, it is becoming increasingly challenging to secure vehicle transportation capacity and at a reasonable cost during these peak logistics weeks. In Q3, we began transitioning to a more even regional mix of vehicle builds each week, which led to an increase in cars in transit at the end of the quarter. These cars have been ordered and will be delivered to customers upon arrival at their destination,” said Tesla.

This comes after an “exceptionally difficult” last quarter that was plagued with supply chain interruptions and lockdowns at its Shanghai factory.

The delivery and production numbers are likely to go up in the following months and years, considering that the company is looking to establish a Gigafactory in Canada. Read more about it here.

Source: Tesla