
The 1975’s sound hard to distinguish

The 1975 admit their sound is "hard to distinguish" because they mix together indie, rock and synthesisers.

The 1975 find their sound is "hard to distinguish".

The ‘Chocolate’ band mix indie, rock and synthesisers, and frontman Matthew Healy says he has trouble explaining the overall sound to other people.

He told BANG Showbiz: "I’m more interested in what people think that we sound like than what I think we sound like because I don’t f***ing know!

"We got coined as ‘Guitar ‘n’ B’ once, which I quite liked.

"I think because we’ve grown up as a band I think our musical vocabulary is kind of one and the same, and we’ve learned as musicians together so our taste has evolved together so we kind of acquired this unspoken vocabulary where we understand what’s right. It kind of creates its own little thing, you know."

The four piece band formed in Manchester, but aren’t particularly tied to their roots, like many bands from the city.

He added: "We’re not a kind of ‘Manc’ band, we don’t have that kind of stoic adherence to a place. And I think because we’re quite a regionless band a lot more people have been really into it."

Meanwhile, Manchester has been named only the UK’s eighth most musical city by Spotify.

The music streaming service studied the average number of minutes of music listened-to per day by each user in each major city in the UK to calculate the results, which saw London come out top, followed by Nottingham.

Spotify’s top 10 musical cities in the UK:

1. London

2. Nottingham

3. Bristol

4. Edinburgh

5. Leeds

6. Sheffield

7. Glasgow

8. Manchester

9. Liverpool

10. Birmingham