Nouvelles quotidiennes

The Absolut Art Collection on display in Korea

Seoul gallery hosts Swedish museum exhibit.

For a quarter of a century, Absolut vodka has hired well-known artists to help create its advertisements. In 1985, the company issued its first ad by Andy Warhol, and from there the campaign gathered steam with artists from around the globe creating their interpretation of the famous bottle silhouette.

On loan from the Historical Museum of Wines and Spirits in Stockholm, Sweden, the 20-piece Absolut Art Collection made its Korean debut at Gallery Yeh in Seoul from April 12 to 25.

The collection includes works by the world’s most renowned artists: Andy Warhol, Francesco Clemente, Louise Bourgeois, Rosemarie Trockel, Béatrice Cussol and Jan Saudek, to name a few.

 To celebrate the Seoul debut, Absolut is hosting a cocktail lounge with music inspired by the collection, with a curator to explain the artists’ creative works.

 “The Absolut Art Collection comprises over 800 pieces of work, and it is a privilege to have the opportunity to send some of the most renowned pieces on tour around the region for the first time,” said Anna Malmhake, Vice President at Absolut.

“The selection spans a variety of media such as canvas, plexiglass and tin, to photography and paper. It is an inspiring collection,” she added.