
The Album In Rainbows On the Internet

Radiohead has decided to distribute their album In Rainbows on the internet.

Fans of the British group Radiohead can get their hands on their seventh album, In Rainbows, on October 10. Fans will be pleased to know that the album does not have a predetermined price. It is pay what you can.

The group has added a second disc  with seven new songs, along with photos and song lyrics.

Radiohead got an idea of the public’s reaction to their new material last year during their tour, when they played Weird Fishes, Last Flowers and Faust Arp.

Radiohead has been on their own since their contract with Capitol Records finished in 2003, shortly after the release of Hail to the Thief.

Here is a list of the tracks on the album In Rainbows:

15 Step
Weird Fishes/Arpeggi
All I Need
Faust Arp
House of Cards
Jigsaw Falling Into Place

The following is a list of the compositions on the bonus album:

MK 1
Down Is the New Up
Go Slowly
MK 2
Last Flowers
Up on the Ladder
Bangers and Mash
4 Minute Warning