
The Benefits of Bio-Transformed Blueberry Juice

According to a recent study publication, bio-transformed blueberry juice helps fight obesity and diabetes.

According to the online health guide, juice from North American blueberries, bio-transformed with bacteria extracted from the skin of the fruit, helps to lower the risk of obesity and diabetes.

The study was conducted by researchers at the University of Montreal, Institut Armand-Frappier and the Université de Moncton, and was published in the International Journal of Obesity. Researchers observed the effects of bio-transformed blueberry juice and regular blueberry juice in a study on mice.

Author of the study Pierre S. Haddad stated, "Results of this study clearly show that bio-transformed blueberry juice has strong anti-obesity and anti-diabetic potential. Bio-transformed blueberry juice may represent a novel therapeutic agent, since it decreases hyperglycemia in diabetic mice and can protect young pre-diabetic mice from developing obesity and diabetes."