
The Benefits of Green Tea with Lemon

Lemon, when served with green tea, increases your body’s antioxidants.

Research conducted by Purdue University in the United States has shown that catechins, antioxidants found in green tea, are better absorbed by the body when they are accompanied by lemon and vitamin C.

The catechins play a role in preventing cancer and cardiovascular disorders such as stroke.  Unfortunately, the body, which has a difficult time absorbing antioxidants, only retains about 20% of its intake.

There is a noticeable increase, 13 times higher catechins in the body where green tea is combined with vitamin C. This amount falls to five if the vitamin is replaced by the lemon.

One thing is certain, research published in the medical journal European Heart Journal, said that adding milk to tea is prohibited if we want to take care of our hearts. Indeed, the presence of casein in milk cancels all the benefits of tea antioxidants.