
The Countdown Begins for Heidi Klum

Supermodel Heidi Klum will soon be giving birth to her third child.

According to Hello, Heidi Klum and Seal are expecting a baby anytime soon.  The couple was seen coming out of a California hospital recently.  They were holding hands and seemed very happy.

Back at home, the couple is preparing for the birth of their child.  They have an 11-month-old together named Henry.  Klum also has a two-year-old, Leni, from a prior union.  The couple plans to have more children in the future.

Klum revealed, "Seal always says that he finds me the most beautiful when I’m pregnante. We want to have a lot of children."

Klum, 33, has slowed down in her work during her pregnancy.  She has continued doing runway work for Victoria’s Secret.  The blonde beauty also released Wonderland earlier this month in Germany.