
The dangers of body scanners have been underestimated

Body scanners can increase the risk of skin cancer.

It seems that the danger posed by X-ray body scanners installed in some airports has been underestimated.

According to some experts, this technology may cause skin cancer and could be especially dangerous for children.

Although the beam delivers a small dose, it focuses on the skin which is one of the body’s most sensitive organs. The dose may therefore be 20 times higher than previously estimated.

According to Dr. David Brenner, head of the Radiological Research Center at Columbia University, the risks are still low. Nonetheless, he strongly recommends that additional tests be performed on the scanners.

According to the doctor, children and people with certain genetic mutations are at increased risk from radiation because they are less able to repair X-ray damage to their DNA.

The biggest risk with scanners is a common skin cancer called basal cell carcinoma. Authorities insist the technology is safe.