
The Flip Side of Marilyn Monroe

A cinephile has unveiled another side of Marilyn Monroe on the Internet.

A video of the iconic actress and her friends consuming what appears to be marijuana has been posted on the Web, reports NouvelObs.

The silent home video filmed in colour surfaced a half century after it was shot. It seems that it dates back to 1958 or 1959, and was shot from a house in New Jersey.

The creator of the video, who prefers to remain anonymous, sold the footage for $275 000 to collector Keya Morgan.

Morgan collects historic photos, manuscripts, autographs and other documents. He is currently preparing a documentary on Marilyn Monroe’s 1962 death.

The collector claims to have never seen the actress as relaxed as she was in the video, and that the owner of the video confirmed that the star was indeed smoking weed and furthermore, admitted that he was the one who brought over the stash for his friends that night.

Marilyn Monroe died overnight between August 4 and 5, 1962 from a drug overdose. The police quickly concluded that it was a suicide, but many inconsistencies in the investigation have prompted speculation.