
The Globe and Mail calls on Bono and Bob Geldof

Bono and Bob Geldof will be guest editors for a day at The Globe and Mail.

The Globe and Mail announced that musicians Bono and Bob Geldof will be guest editors of the paper on May 10. They will participate in a special edition devoted to Africa, a subject close to both their hearts.

The newspaper is asking its readers to submit a video question they would like Bono or Bob Geldof to answer. The two artists will answer some of these questions online throughout the month of May.

It will the first time Bono or Geldof has been guest editor of a North American newspaper. Bono was previously invited to do so by the British paper The Independent.

Bono said, "I’m a huge fan of great journalism – I can’t wait to show up for work at The Globe. Our aim in this special edition is to crack down on a few stereotypes and showcase the opportunities surrounding the African continent, not just the problems."

For his part, Bob Geldof added: "The world will be coming to and looking at Canada this June. The older and the emerging economies will be once again be struggling to learn the new 21st century dance of cooperation and possibly even compromise, and this time under Canada’s leadership. The Globe and Mail, one of the world’s great papers of record, has, in a mad rush of blood to the head, agreed to let two Irish pop-singers edit their august journal for one special day, one special edition."

Readers have until tomorrow (May 6) to send in a video asking an Africa-related question. Canada is hosting the G8 and G20 summits taking place this June. The crisis of extreme poverty in developing countries, and Africa in particular, will be the focus of meetings during each summit.