
The Hives Collaborate with Pharrel Williams

The rock group The Hives will be collaborating with rap producer Pharrell Williams for their next disc.

The Swedish rockers want to go in a new direction with their next release.  Williams has worked with other rappers, including Jay-Z, Busta Rhymes and Snoop Dogg.  However, he has also worked with pop stars such as Britney Spears and Justin Timberlake.

The Hives hope that the collaboration with Williams will lead to success for their next disc.  According to FemaleFirst, the band’s singer explained, "This new album has been recorded all over the world because we thought it was time to have other people involved besides ourselves and our closest friends."

He added that when the bandmembers met Williams in Japan, Williams said, "’We should record together,’ and ‘something bass guitar based.’"

After the invitation, the band worked with Williams in a Miami recording studio.