
The hottest day in history was this week

According to information gathered by the U.S. National Center for Environmental Predictions, Monday July 3 was recorded as the hottest day on the planet since information has been amassed on the subject.

On Monday, a global temperature of 17.01 degrees celcius was recorded, beating the last record of 16.92 degrees celcius dating back to mid-August 2016.

However, on Tuesday, the record was broken again!

This time with a global temperature of 17.18 degrees celcius, according to CNN!

Experts believe that this record could be broken several more times in the coming years, which is not encouraging for the future.

Many believe that global warming and the El NiƱo phenomenon are to blame.

The consequences could be disastrous for the planet. Recent intense heat waves have also contributed to or caused the deaths of hundreds of people, notably in Mexico and India.