
The Justin Bieber phenomenon

Biebermania hits the Land Down Under.

For the third time in six months, Justin Bieber sparks a riot, this time in Australia. This follows previous incidents in New York and Paris. The young Canadian singer was supposed to perform three songs  on the Sydney harbour front during the Sunrise broadcast, a popular Sydney morning show.

Thousands of fans camped out overnight and started surging toward the venue when a rumour started that Bieber had arrived. Several girls were injured, some passed out and at least eight had to be taken to hospital. Police shut the site down.

New South Wales police released a statement, "Police at the event were concerned for the 4,000 excited people already in attendance with many more anticipated to arrive prior to the start of the performance."

Justin Bieber’s album My World 2.0 has sat at the top of the charts since its release. The Biebermania phenomenon is affecting teenage girls worldwide.

Bieber went on to perform his hit song Baby at the Network Seven’s studios in Sydney. He said, "I am so sorry that it got out of control, we don’t want anyone to get hurt. It gets crazy sometimes."

Justin Bieber then posted a message on his Twitter page, "I woke up this morning to the police canceling the show for safety reasons. I love my fans… I love it here in Australia… and I want to sing."