
The Rolling Stones consider album gigs

The legendary rockers are thinking of performing an entire album a night while on tour.

It’s becoming more common for well established groups to head out on tour and perform a whole album from their back catalogue.

Roger Waters had a lot of success with this formula when he performed Pink Floyd’s Dark Side of the Moon on past tours. He is heading out on tour again this year and will perform another Pink Floyd staple and fan favourite, The Wall.

The Pixies played their album Doolittle in its entirety while on tour. Now, it appears The Rolling Stones are thinking about doing the same thing.

Keith Richards did not deny the rumour when he gave an interview on XFM radio in London. He said, "I have heard a rumour being passed around, but it’s in the rumour area. I have heard the idea being mentioned in passing. Where there’s smoke, there’s fire, you know?"

The guitarist went on to admit that this is not a new concept for the band and has been discussed before. Richards added: "That idea has occurred a few years back, where tonight you do Let It Bleed … it’s an idea that’s been around, but we haven’t taken it by the horns yet."

The rumour gains more validity knowing that the Rolling Stones are re-releasing their album Exile On Main Street next week. It dates back to the early 1970s and will offer fans a second CD containing 10 unreleased tracks discovered in the band’s archives. Everything has been remastered and the guys even brought Mick Taylor back into the mix. He was the Stones’ guitarist before Ron Wood and he worked on the original album.