
The Sainte-Justine Foundation receives a historic donation

The Sainte-Justine Foundation has received a historic and monumental donation.

On December 15, philanthropists Ms. Diane Blais and Mr. Michel Lanteigne, two former executives of the accounting firm Ernst & Young, pledged $40 million.


This personal donation from the couple will be used for pediatric research, including a portion for oncology.

Note that Mr. Lanteigne’s son, Benoit, died of leukemia at the age of eight and for years has been pondering his legacy.

From now on, the building of the specialized units of the Sainte-Justine will bear the name of Michel Lanteigne’s child, Benoît Lanteigne.

Obviously, the couple hopes that this donation will influence other to deposit amounts for the advancement of other research projects that need funding.

Data indicates that the cure rate for children with cancer is barely over 80%, which shows that medicine still needs financial support to push research further.