
The Vaccines’ therapeutic album

The Vaccines found writing their new album, ‘The Vaccines Come Of Age’, "therapeutic".

The Vaccines found writing their new album "therapeutic".

The group will release their second LP ‘The Vaccines Come Of Age’ in September – just 18 months after their self-titled debut record – and frontman Justin Young promised "honest" lyrics, but insists he isn’t taking himself too seriously.

He said: "I wanted to look inwards with this record.

"Honesty goes a long way in music and it’s therapeutic. There’s a lot about the way I’m feeling.

"One minute you’re a s**t kicking 21 year old and the next you’re playing a song you’ve written in front of 20,000 people chanting your name. But that’s tongue-in-cheek too, it’s not me taking myself completely seriously."

Though the group toured extensively after the release of their first album, Justin insists his tour experiences aren’t the focal point of the new songs as he finds records about life on the road "soulless".

He added to NME magazine: "The road is where you find yourself after your first record, but the one thing I think is so awful is where musicians make on-the-road records where they’re signing about missing their friends and family, ‘another one for the road.’ It’s so soulless.

"So everything I’ve written on the road, I’ve written with a good view."