
Think twice before peeling that apple

Study finds surprising number of health benefits from apple peels.

One of the secrets to a long and healthy life could be hiding in an apple peel, which contains a chemical compound found to improve muscle strength, lower cholesterol and blood sugar and even help you lose weight, according to a new study published in the journal Cell Metabolism.

Looking for a way to help elderly individuals retain muscle mass, researchers at the University of Iowa began to uncover the many benefits of ursolic acid, a chemical found naturally in the waxy peel of an apple.

Working with mice, the researchers began feeding them supplements of the compound. As expected, the mice’s muscles began to grow and their grip became stronger. The researchers also discovered, however, that these animals had lower cholesterol and about a third less body fat than their peers.

Now the researchers are working to see if apple peel has the same benefits for humans – and how much ursolic acid is needed to see these changes.