
Three factors are identified as factors for gluten allergy

Threee fragments of gluten are the cause of allergic reactions to wheat protein.

Researchers have identified three fragments of gluten that trigger allergic reactions to wheat protein.
Allergy to gluten results in an overreaction of the immune system and damages the walls of the small intestine. The latter becomes unable to absorb vitamins, minerals and other nutrients, reports the journal Science Translational Medicine.
People who have this allergy suffer from chronic fatigue and are at higher risk of developing osteoporosis, sterility, miscarriages and even  digestive tract cancer and celiac disease.
244 people suffering from Celiac disease from Australia and Great Britain participated in this research. For three days, they ate food with gluten and then underwent analysis of the cells of their immune system. The researchers were able to identify three components of gluten that triggered the allergic reactions.
This discovery could lead to more targeted treatments. Currently, the only way to manage gluten intolerance is to avoid all food containing gluten, such as cereal, pasta, cookies and beer. It may now be possible to create a treatment with these three fragments that could be injected at low doses to desensitize the body to these components.