
Tiger Woods Drops Next Tournament

Tiger Woods can’t play professional golf until next year.

The golf champ was forced to pull out of the Chevron World Challenge Tournament in California, his last tourney set for 2009, due to  injuries incurred from his recent car accident, reports People.

Woods wrote on his Website yesterday (November 30), "I am extremely disappointed that I will not be at my tournament this week. I am certain it will be an outstanding event and I’m very sorry that I can’t be there."

He explained that he is not in top shape to play after the November 27 incident, but he didn’t go into further detail about his injuries.

When the police arrived at the scene of the accident, Woods was on the ground and appeared to have cuts on his face. He also allegedly passed out a few times.

The profits earned from the golf tournament at the Sherwood Country Club in Thousand Oaks, CA will still go to the Tiger Woods Foundation. The golfer will be absent for the second consecutive year, since last year, he had undergone a knee operation.

Nike, which paid Woods 40 million dollars to represent their products, has given Tiger their support to overcome these rough times. A Nike rep stated, "Tiger and his family have Nike’s full support. We respect Tiger’s request for privacy and our thoughts are with Tiger and his family at this time."