
To breastfeed or not – it’s a personal decision

One difficult decision mothers face during pregnancy is deciding whether or not to breastfeed their newborn baby.

However, the decision to on whether or not to breastfeed remains a personal choice that each mother must make. You should not feel pressured into choosing one way or the other just to please the people around you. You should however make the decision during pregnancy so that you can be prepared.


Do your research – collect all the information you can, talk with mothers who have breastfed, and attend support group sessions.


While it is the mother’s decision, it’s best for a couple to talk about the support your partner can and should give before it’s needed. Make sure that both of you are on the same page about the tremendous commitment of time and energy that comes along with breastfeeding.


If you choose to breastfeed, inform hospital staff so it can be included in your file. And be warned … some women change their minds the moment they hold the baby in their arms.


Although breastfeeding is increasingly recommended for the health benefits it represents, do not feel guilty if you opt for the bottle. Breastfeeding is a personal decision, one that a woman should not feel pressured into making or feel judged if she chooses not to or ultimately cannot breastfeed.