
Today’s mothers waiting longer to have children?

French study finds first-time moms are older and heavier than they used to be.

Today’s modern mother tends to be older, heavier and spaces her children farther apart than in the past, according to new research reported by Le Figaro.

According to scientists at European research institution INSERM, women in developed countries such as France (where the survey was performed) are tending to wait until later in life to have their first child. The number of women starting a family after age 35 grew from 15.9 percent in 2003 to 19.2 percent in 2010. The average age for a first pregnancy is now 27.5 years.

Since fertility decreases with age, women getting started later in life tend to have children spaced further apart, with a larger gap between their first and second child.

The number of overweight and obese mothers is increasing as well. In 2003, 15.4 percent of women giving birth were overweight, and 7.4 percent were obese. In 2010, these numbers have grown to 17.3 percent overweight and 9.9 percent obese. Excess weight during pregnancy has been linked to several complications, including metabolic disorders, birth defects and fetal death.


Photo credit: Louisa Stokes/