
Tom Cruise 1, Hacker 0

Tom Cruise wins a legal battle against a Web surfer.

The address belonged, until recently, to a wise guy who was trying to profit from it.

The star of the movie Mission Impossible filed a complaint alleging that the rights on the domain name were his.

A judge of the World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO) has ruled in favour the multimillionnaire actor. He mentioned that the address was being used to sell goods not related to Tom Cruise and that the numerous fans of the Hollywood star were redirected to another Web site that had no link to the 44-year old man.

The judgement was pronounced on line and informed the guilty hacker. He works for an organization sadly known for other wrongdoings of the sort : the Network Operations Centre D’Alberta Hot Rods.

Tom Cruise is not the first to get his name on the Web. Céline Dion, Kevin Spacey, Jeffrey Archer and Michael Crichton have also won their battle a few years ago, thanks to the WIPO, the Geneva based organization founded in 1967 by the United Nations.