
Tom Cruise Stops South Park Episode

American actor Tom Cruise has succeeded in stopping an episode of South Park from being aired.

According to The Register, the actor demanded that one particular episode not be shown in England.  In the episode, which has already aired in the U.S., an animated Nicole Kidman (Cruise’s ex-wife), and an animated John Travolta attempt to lure Cruise out of the closet, subtly referring to rumours that Cruise is gay.  There are also jabs at Cruise’s devotion to the Church of Scientology.

According to, Paramount has agreed not to show the episode again, after Cruise complained. A source tells the site, "Tom is famously very litigious and will go to great lengths to protect his reputation. Tom was said not to like the episode and Paramount just didn’t dare risk showing it again. It’s a shame that UK audiences will never see it because it’s very funny."