
Tony Parker files for divorce in Texas

After Eva Longoria filed for divorce in California, Tony files in Texas.

After seven years together – the last three as husband and wife – Desperate Housewives star, Eva Longoria, 35, filed for divorce from French basketball player Tony Parker, 28, last Wednesday.

A couple of days later, on Friday (November 19), the basketball star filed his own divorce papers in Texas, surprising Longoria and her legal advisors.

The star player for the San Antonio Spurs was merely following "standard procedure" in the breakup with Eva Longoria, a source says.

"This was not meant to escalate things," says the source. "He filed his own papers to protect his rights during the proceeding. … They are still committed to working this out together amicably."  

Longoria filed for divorce after discovering hundreds of text messages sent to her husband’s phone by another woman – allegedly Erin Barry, wife of Parker’s former teammate, Brent Barry.

While Longoria was back on the set of Desperate Housewives last Thursday (November 18) Tony Parker is also focusing on his game, and was leading scorer on the basketball court during Friday’s game against Salt Lake City.